Hello everyone! I just downloaded the newest MuseScore Studio version, 4.4.2. However, a song I'm working on (which is almost 3 minutes long currently and is not finished) presumably became corrupted and yet I cannot find any errors...? Anyway, I'm hoping the file is alright because the system is going crazy right now so I'll leave it for a bit and will update you later. That is, anyone who cares to read this, lol.
Unrelated but takes more precedence: I have started a YouTube channel! Check it out and show your support! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arGYyEHWpQY
Also listen to and share more of my music! I will upload them in videos soon!
ssergorP no ksaT si gniuitnoc, ylwols tub ylerus.
Last day of summer!!
~OptimaYT4470, better known as ☆optimá☆.
Sep 20, '24